Saturday, September 28, 2013

It's been a looong time.

Hello everyone. It certainly has been quite a while, hasn't it? I'd love to revive this blog some time soon to address a few things in my life and in the lives of a lot of other people who matter to me. I want to talk about a lot of things other than Escellsia (which I will update you on in the next post).

If I were to revamp this blog again, it would have the following:

  • Current roleplay antics. Perhaps information about my characters that you didn't know or said forthright in the forum.
  • Reviews, thoughts and feelings on games I have played recently.
  • At times, my own personal relationships and living situations...they've changed so far.
  • As usual, I will label all of my posts with a title that will show what the post will be about BEFORE you read it, then you can sift through what is junk and what is not.
  • Crafts I made, am making or am planning on making in the near future.
  • And as we had done before, NEWS on technology or all kinds of stuff. I want to start putting together a group of people who have are both opinionated but also open-minded and willing to see that another person's view isn't just outrightly wrong. It's discussion. I want to bring a group who is comfortable with each other enough to do something like that.
So there you go. I want to do this again. I don't know how many people are willing to answer to this call. Even if there aren't many people who will, I'll be doing it regardless. Looking back at how hard I tried and how much I liked it kind of makes me smile. :>

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