Sunday, December 1, 2013

IRL: Not yet gone

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posts. I still remember this blog, don't worry! I'm also still playing Pokemon too, just atm finals are killing me. I have so much to do!

But I'm not stressing. Why is because I think I have my life in order. These days have been very interesting. I've got plenty of work to do for Logic. And honestly, that's kind of one of my favorite things to do now. It's so interesting how everything works together. It's just a matter of me doing the work correctly.

Anyway, I started blogiates again today and I really hope I stick with it. It's making me feel pretty good. My body is warm, I've been having breakfast and eating and drinking right. I'm drinking tea again!! :> Listening to good music too!

Exercise is really amazing. It makes me feel like I'm ready to do something. I feel responsible and prepared. I feel ready to take the workload. Granted, it kinda hurts...x_x But ya know what...? I'll do it all one step at a time. Isn't it a little surprising? Exercise is kinda making me can I say it...relaxed. I feel like I can take on the work load, just a little at a time and I don't really have to stress that badly.

Just work with what you can and the next day is new and you can start working hard again! I have to remind myself to put some leisure time in the middle and not over work myself.

I have to start looking at my body like a temple. I don't want to look at my face and say, "aw, I'm cute. But my body...I want to ignore it". That's just running away. I have to look at what I am, say "I want to change. Today. Why am I running away from something that feels great! And is great FOR me too!". I really, honestly hope this mentality keeps with me all the time. New year resolution...keep up the good work! Don't slack! Be good to yourself as you are to others.

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