Monday, October 21, 2013

Pokemon X: Update 3

I just currently found out about GTS...x_x A little slow, but better late than never. People be cray on there though. Like...wut you want a Wingull for an Articuno? Crazy sons of a bitches.

Anyway, currently in the story, I just finished the 2nd Pokemon Gym and am on Route 11 catching all the Pokemon there and about to go into Reflection Cave.

Here is a list of Pokemon I had caught since the last post and their evolutions:

Nidorino -> Nidoking w/Moon Stone
Nidorina -> Nidoqueen w/Moon Stone
Houndour -> Houndoom @ 24
Venipede -> Whirlipede @ 22 -> Scolipede @ 30
Hariyama ( <- Makuhita @ 24)
(Staravia (<- Starly @ 14) -> Staraptor @ 34
Chingling -> Chimecho w/high friendship @ night
Amaura -> Aurorus @ 39 @ night
Steelix (traded for a Lovedisk)
Ferroseed -> Ferrothorn @ 40
Woobat -> Swoobat w/high friendship
Golett -> Golurk @ 43
Stunky -> Skuntank @ 34
Spritzee (exchanged for a Swirlix) -> Aromatisee w/trade w/Whipped Dream
Zubat -> Golbat @ 22 -> Crobat w/high friendship
Helioptile -> Heliolisk w/Sun Stone
Espurr -> Meowstic @ 25

Here are the Pokemon that have evolved since last post:

Wingull to Pelipper
Nincada to Ninjask and Shedinja
Zigzagoon to Linoone
Bunnelby to Digserby
Zubat to Golbat
Budew to Roselia
Espurr to Meowstic

Here are the Pokemon I'm still in search for:

Throh (Y only) (Route 11); Carbink, Mime Jr., Roggenrola, Sableye, Solosis (Reflection Cave)

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